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Kubernetes Pods, ReplicaSets, and Deployments in 5 Minutes
Kubernetes simplified in 5 minutes
Kubernetes in 5 mins
What are Kubernetes ReplicaSets?
Kubernetes Explained in 100 Seconds
What Are Kubernetes ReplicaSets and Deployments?
Day-34 | KUBERNETES DEPLOYMENT | REPLICASETS | #k8s #devopscourse #kubernetes #devops
[ Kube 7 ] Kubernetes Pods Replicasets & Deployments
🔥 🔥 Day - 11 Kubernetes ZERO to HERO | Types of Kubernetes Deployment Strategies | Ravi #k8sintamil
Kubernetes Deployment vs. StatefulSet vs. DaemonSet
Replica Sets explained in plain English (with step by step demo/labs) Kubernetes in plain English #2
Kubernetes Basics: Pods, Nodes, Containers, Deployments and Clusters